Help us save the galaxy… or at least date night!

Sign up and help us launch the Special Edition of Alien Country on Kickstarter!

  • Claim your copy of the film

  • the Behind the Scenes Making of Documentary

  • the Original Score

  • the “Good Alien Bad Alien” Party Game

  • the Art and Lore of Alien Country Book

  • and more!

PRE-PLEDGE And Save the Galaxy on KickstartER THIS MONDAY JULY 15TH!

Are you a good alien

Or a Bad Alien?

Alien - FAQ:

  • The film will be releasing at the end of the summer / early fall world-wide.

  • Kickstarter is the FIRST PLACE you can claim tickets and pre-order digital and physical copies of the film that will be available during the release. Alien Country is preparing to launch in theaters and across streaming platforms world-wide. This is a massive undertaking that involves hundreds of people. The goal is to make the film available in as many theaters as possible in North America and beyond. While currently we are looking at a limited release, the more the story and message of film can get out into the world the more opportunities will arrive to watch it in your local theater. After the initial theatrical run the film will be available for purchase digitally, and on streaming services TBA.

  • Look, we get this question a lot. Most people who watch the film have never been abducted in real life. In fact, most people who watch it, haven’t even seen aliens (that they know of) or witnessed a UFO before. The important thing to remember is, while this film is a work of fiction, it is based on true UFO and close encounter documentation and there is no direct correlation between watching Alien Country and actually being taken through an Einstein Rosen Bridge to another planet… yet.

  • The film was made by dozens on independent artists from around the world. Pre-selling the film on Kickstarter allows for the artists do sell the film directly with our friends and fans without any middle-men taking a large share of the proceeds. This is literally the best way to support the filmmakers directly. Plus, the cost of marketing and delivering Alien Country to theaters and streaming platforms is incredibly expensive and time intensive.

Pre-Pledge Today:

If you’re ready to stand with us and start the global phenomenon that is “Alien Country” sign up below and pledge to backing the Kickstarter on day one!