


Alien Country is


A time proven money making concept: Man vs Monster full length film with a pregnant lead heroine…

Zombieland meets Stranger Things


Reeling from the news of an unexpected pregnancy, a struggling couple Jimmy and Everly unknowingly release an alien invasion in their small town and need to learn to work together in order to save each other, their town and evidently, the entire galaxy.

Knocked up, balls to the walls, time proven Man vs Monster story. You could say it’s Zombieland meets Stranger Things.

Utah Filmmakers + Utah Stories

Utah is Alien Country.

This story came from the experience of living in a place that looks and feels… out of this world.


Making the Monsters

We love monsters. And when it comes to making a sci-fi creature feature, it’s all about having incredible looking Hollywood quality monsters. We’ve hired the best artists in the industry and created a pipeline to produce the most incredible monster visual effects possible.

At the end of the day, this is where Alien Country will blow people away — THE ALIENS.


The Film Business

Alien Country has been designed from the ground up to MAKE MONEY. We have spent years doing market research, challenging the numbers, and measuring the trends. After all is said and done, we made a choice to make a sci-fi + action film. WHY?

Science Fiction and Action are the highest grossing worldwide genres.

From that starting point we evaluated dozens of comparable titles in the modified low budget category ($250-750k film budget.) After many negotiations with distributors, sales reps, researchers and producers one thing was clear: Make a Sci-fi/Action film for 300-600k and you will make your money back.

As long as your film is well made, and the visual effects look real, you’ll do well. Even more simple: Have a fantastic poster and trailer, and you’ll get it sold and seen. Of course, we didn’t stop there. We’ve continued to connect with distributors, refine our story, script and scope to ensure a strong return on investment.

Storylands is looking for partners more than investors. A large portion of the funding for this film is coming from our previous film earnings. Therefore, we are investing in the success of this film as much as all our partners.

For full investment docs: comparable breakdowns, projections, ROIs and earnings waterfalls contact us directly here:

The Alien Team

Boston McConnaughey

Boston McConnaughey

Director, Writer

With a background in filmmaking and next generation VR storytelling, Boston and Renny have 30 million views on their sci-fi action YouTube series and have created short films online for Sony Pictures, Google, Coca-cola, Nokia, and more... Alien Country’s baby daddy.

Renny Grames

Actor, Producer

An indie film actress with numerous film and television credits. Renny’s work has shown up in dozens of festivals including Napa Valley FF and Heartland FF. She’s produced dozens of films and commercials and is Alien Country’s sugar momma.


Bryce Fillmore

Producer, UPM

With over 30 years of independent and studio production experience, Bryce has led teams to create content all over Utah and the American Southwest. His track record of designing a production, delivering on time and on budget combined with his love for the wild Utah landscape make him the ultimate secret weapon in Alien Country… in essence Alien Country’s godfather.


Cutting Edge Film-making

In 1977 the desert planet scenes Star Wars were filmed in Tunisia. In 2018 the same planet was made for the TV show the Mandalorian on a digital sound stage in L.A. That technology is open source, and we’re using it in this film.

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The Script

Every AMAZING movie starts with an AMAZING script. Alien Country has been crafted over 5 years of intense scrutiny, re-writes, script doctoring and love. Table read after read it’s filled rooms with laughter and excitement.

At it’s core it’s a story of people learning “responsibility” and that ultimately… You can’t escape your responsibility to your family, your home or the planet.

With that fun message as a guide our characters battle aliens, fight for each others affection and learn hilarious skills and life lessons along the way.


Storyboarding Pre-visualization - Using a combination of traditional storyboards and virtual location scouting, each action and VFX scene will be storyboarded in advance to allow for the best possible end product.

Locations - Utah offers a wide variety of locations including BLM land and recreational land that we will have at our disposal. Alien Country will be filmed mostly in Salt Lake and Utah Counties. The exterior desert scenes will be filmed on location in southern Utah at a partner owned resort outside of Lake Powell.

Jeff Johnson Casting - will bring the best talent possible to this project as the go-to casting director in UT.




Demolition Derby and Stunt Team - we’ve already shot at a real demolition derby to gather B-Roll that will make this film look like it was made for millions. Additional stunt riders and actors we have worked with in the past will bring the fight that this action film needs.

New Tech and VFX Team - with a background in VFX and Virtual Production we are teaming up with Redman Movies and Stories to make sure we get the most bang for our buck with their cutting edge virtual sound stage, as well as leveraging long relationships with rental houses and friends to have all the camera, lighting and sound equipment we will need to produce the highest quality film.


Post Production

Editing, Sound and Color - is our main bread and butter at Storylands Interactive. This is where we shine the brightest. Doing the heavy lifting in house we anticipate a post production schedule of 9 months.

Visual Effects - we have partnered with (4th Wall) Jarom Sidwell, former VFX artist at Weta Digital.

Sound design, Score + Music - Dave Austin, who received a Presidential Merit Award from the Grammy’s will be overseeing the score and music insuring an incredible original score and rock and roll songs to bring the spirit of Alien Country to life.

Marketing Our Indie Film

The marketing campaign has already begun… in fact it began well over a year before production even will!

The full name of our production company is called Storylands INTERACTIVE. This is very deliberate. Because right now that’s what audiences want. We don’t want to just watch a movie or show, we want to experience it. What does that mean? We want to meet the artists, watch interviews of the actors, see the magic in progress and follow the adventure. The chance to watch, share and talk about content with our friends is part of the way we consume media now, and that’s why we are creating a following already. As the film gets made, the audience, talent and crew will all come together in the process.

We’ve lined up partners at several distribution companies including, XYZ Films, Gravitas Ventures, Premiere Entertainment, Koan Pictures, Uncork’d Entertainment and Candlelight Media. We have options for who to distribute with and as we work with our PR firm Moore PR, we will be able to promote and sell this film with other experienced partners in the foreign and domestic markets. Make sure to reach out to us to learn more about are marketing strategy or just watch it live:

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